Marshall Huffman has been writing for personal pleasure for the past ten years. He didn't consider publishing any of his works until Susan, his wife, talked him into giving it a try. Thanks to Amazon.com giving new authors a chance to e-publish, he finally took the plunge in 2011 and published the trilogy: THE EVENT, comprised of Book I - THE END, Book II - THE BEGINNING and Book III - THE REVELATION. The acceptance by the public encouraged him to publish his second trilogy: THE SECOND CIVIL WAR. Book I - A NATION DIVIDED, Book II - A NATION AT WAR, and Book III - A NATION HEALING. Both of the trilogies are a chilling view of what the future of America could look like given the current climate in today's world.
Marshall then decided to try his hand at a slightly different genre: Scifi thrillers. He wrote THE BRINK Book I - OPERATION DEEP FLIGHT and THE BRINK Book II - THE BHAKKTAH. His third Scifi thriller is titled: BLACKSTAR.
Recently he has been writing mysteries and has three different detective series. The Logan Files involve a slow but tenacious detective named John Logan. A cast of central characters is featured in each of the books. The Norris Files lead character is JD Norris, a rogue detective who does not play well with others. There is a core cast of characters in each of these mysteries as well. The latest series is the Anglina Bartoni Cases Files. Detective Bartoni is not like the female detectives that are on television. You won't find her in short tight skirts, low cut blouses, or high-heels and she isn't about to try to fight the bad guy. She may shoot them in the knee but she is smart enough to know her limits. The central characters become old friends as each mystery unfolds.
Marshall's books can be found on AMAZON.COM by typing in: MARSHALL HUFFMAN
Marshall then decided to try his hand at a slightly different genre: Scifi thrillers. He wrote THE BRINK Book I - OPERATION DEEP FLIGHT and THE BRINK Book II - THE BHAKKTAH. His third Scifi thriller is titled: BLACKSTAR.
Recently he has been writing mysteries and has three different detective series. The Logan Files involve a slow but tenacious detective named John Logan. A cast of central characters is featured in each of the books. The Norris Files lead character is JD Norris, a rogue detective who does not play well with others. There is a core cast of characters in each of these mysteries as well. The latest series is the Anglina Bartoni Cases Files. Detective Bartoni is not like the female detectives that are on television. You won't find her in short tight skirts, low cut blouses, or high-heels and she isn't about to try to fight the bad guy. She may shoot them in the knee but she is smart enough to know her limits. The central characters become old friends as each mystery unfolds.
Marshall's books can be found on AMAZON.COM by typing in: MARSHALL HUFFMAN

I have just finished a new techno-thriller that will be on amazon soon. I hope to launch it by February 30, 2013 at the latest. The name is CHIMERA. Without giving too much away I will tell you that it is fast paced, changes the way we live and is a topic that
almost anyone can relate to in today's world.
Lately I have been giving some thought to exploring an Alternative History novel. The idea that one small significant event could change the course of history is appealing to me. I've never attempted such a novel but then that can pretty much be said about all the ones I have written.
almost anyone can relate to in today's world.
Lately I have been giving some thought to exploring an Alternative History novel. The idea that one small significant event could change the course of history is appealing to me. I've never attempted such a novel but then that can pretty much be said about all the ones I have written.

FROSTBITE and THE ALPHABET MURDERS are about a female detective and that was quite challenging. Trying to see the world as a woman see it isn't easy for a male. We are definitely wired different and it took a great deal of time to find the balance. Once I got into the character, I really enjoyed it and plan on continuing with Detective Angelina (Angie) Bartoni Case Files.
I'm starting to really like the Angie Bartoni series and think my next mystery will be about her. Of course I like all the detectives and probably relate to Norris and Angie most because of attitude. Not that I have one. Right.
I started a new Angelina Bartoni mystery last night. I was torn between a NORRIS FILE or Bartoni Case File but decided this was right down her alley. Just got through the rough outline and general idea about the plot. I'm sure it will change some as I go along. I never have the whole thing totally worked out. I usually come to crossroads and have to pick a direction. I'll just have to see where this one takes me.